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How to take an 18th century selfie

Cork Street, London

Ah! It came to her! It was a street in the vicinity, and equally, it was impressive, but the name wasn’t one anyone would randomly know about. “Sir Marcus, my family reside at Cork Street.” The street name was remembered by Marie because once, on a weekend break at her mother’s home, Marie and Scott had walked down the street on the way to Piccadilly and had a conversation about wine and corks. Basically, a boring random conversation, but it was a conversation that now proved to be useful. There! Inwardly, Marie defied Sir Marcus to find fault with her pretend family address.

“Cork Street? Miss Hammond, your family, resides close to my London residence. My house is situated in Berkeley Square.”

Of course, it is. Silently, Marie thanked her inner self for not blurting out she lived in Berkeley Square because that would have been almighty embarrassing! Embarrassing and painful. “What a lovely square to live.”

“It is fine and suits us for when we travel to London,” replied Sir Marcus.

“I am sure it does,” declared Marie who personally would be more than satisfied to be living in Berkeley Square.

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